A quick and easy way to inspire some mingling

I hope by now your staff has a ladder – even if it’s just a draft. There needs to be a plan in place so that they can start creating pages and working on that first deadline. While we can get you a ladder that’s poster size, sometimes having a digital copy to share electronically […]

Senior ads should be a big revenue source for your yearbook. But they also require a lot of effort – from marketing to organizing the ads, a staff with lots of senior ads is definitely earning their money. Use every way you can to make sure parents know that senior ads are available. Have your […]

What your staff can start doing in August & September to get some money in the bank It’s never too early to start selling your yearbook – and really August is the best time to catch parents who are already making sure their students have everything they need for the new school year. Here are […]

If August snuck up on you, there is still time to get yourself together – but more importantly, get your staff together. First, if you missed the opportunity to get your staff to a camp or workshop this summer, there is still time left. (Info here about camps, workshops) If you won’t be able to […]